Sunday, November 20, 2016

Travel Transition Truth Part 2

Part 2: Transition

So the cat is out of the bag.  If any of you have seen this post from a few weeks ago, you will have known that I accidently outed myself about the big challenge that I planned to take on.

I have decided to do a marathon.  Ahhh!  What have I gotten myself into?!  Seriously!

I have hinted at it a few times in the past few postings so it won't come as a surprise for those that read this that I am in a transition time in my life.  Not the transition like changing jobs, finding a new place to live, or seeking out different social outlets, but a transition of feeling and figuring out who I am.  I am in my thirties and I still find myself trying to understand my place in the world.  I've been joking a ton with my closest friends that I think I am going through an early midlife crisis of sorts.

Here are some things I have found myself saying, doing, or considering...

1. Traveling - This isn't much of a shock.  People know I love to travel, but what I have found myself doing is researching out the wazoo about what the next adventure will be.  Besides visiting Europe, other things on the traveling bucket list are visiting all the National Parks, convincing my gal pals to have a long weekend in Marfa, visiting friends at other camps around the country, and the most recent research has been figuring out when, where, and how to see the aurora borealis (Northern Lights) in all their glory.  To prove this sentiment, check out (or don't) my Pinterest page.  It is overwhelming how much I post and share about traveling.

2. Style - Ok. So, my style has changed in the past few months.  I will say that I still consider myself put together, but I have become much more relaxed in what I choose to wear or how I wear it. 


Instead of wearing a scarf or cute shrug of sorts, I have opted for an oversized flannel shirt.  I counted this weekend when I did laundry that I have a total of seven.  SEVEN!  I can't believe I have one for every day of the week.  I don't know anyone else that wears flannel daily except the Brawny Man and I don't have a goal to take his job anytime soon.

I have typically worn simple yet stylish jewelry.  I would say the simple has stayed but I feel how I have worn it has become more eclectic.  There are rings on several fingers, several types of bracelets on at any given time, and I have considered getting a nose piercing.  The fear of the needle is what is currently deterring that decision.

And make-up... There is none unless absolutely needed

Oh. And, Birkenstocks. Yep. Invested in a pair. With no toe loop. You know what that means...socks and sandals in the winter. 😉 Just kidding. But at least it's an option. 

3. Health - I am someone that has always been aware of the need to stay healthy.  However, in the recent months I have found that I LOVE organic foods, working out, and sleeping way more than I ever have before.  The love for organic things I'm sure is all in my head, but ask a few friends from my most recent road trip about the effects of me eating organic things and they will attest to my overall great mood.  My body has a long way to go to show the fruits of this lifestyle change but I have noticed that my overall attitude about life has been much more optimistic as a result of being mindful of these changes.  And this, my friends, is where the idea of a marathon sounded like a good one.

I have inferred that I have found myself happier as a result of some of my health changes and this is true, but this has come from also having found myself in a super low time in my life.  There were lots of little things, nothing worth mentioning, that added up and over time really got me in the pits.  I struggled with finding balance of what I can control and what I can't and it lead me down a path that I knew I needed to try to turn around before going further.

A close friend had mentioned that running a marathon might be a great way to channel some of this energy that I was struggling with.  It would allow me to focus on something that was within my control as well as help me get back on the path of health and fitness.  I was hesitant, but she and I both knew that I'm someone that needs big challenges.  I thrive when I work toward something that seems almost out of reach and when that goal is accomplished, the level of satisfaction and self confidence grows immensely.

So... here I am.  I'm training for my first full marathon that I plan to do in April.  I have also gotten suckered in to signing up for the Chicago Marathon Lottery.  I signed up with three other friends and I know it will be my luck that of the four of us, I will get picked.  I'm in a state of transition, but one that I'm welcoming.  It will be an interesting journey and I can promise that I will have many stories to tell while on this road to something new.

Sunday, November 6, 2016

Travel Transition Truth

Part 1: Travel

It's the eve of another jet setting week and I am spending time with a close gal pal who is thankfully giving up some z's to make sure I get to the airport in the morning for my first time journey to the land of the Cornhuskers. 

The past month has been a whirl wind of travel and tomorrow is another day of new adventures.

I don't feel I've had a ton of time to look forward to this trip.  Between work, sleep, and reflecting on my last big adventure, I haven't had the chance to look too far into the future.  Being in the present is something that I have become fully aware of as of late.  I began noticing this mind state while on my adventure west and it became especially apparent in a moment on the trip that I will never forget and have already began to look back on fondly.  Before I divulge I must set the scene...

It's mid October (So, fall.  The best season of the year!) and I had already spent a week on the road with one friend (we'll call him Friend 1) driving to California to pick up another friend (and this one will be Friend 2) from a month long cycling trek from the Canadian boarder to San Francisco.  The three of us have united, spent a few days in the city and head out to spend a solid day in Yosemite National Park.  Flash forward an hour or so since entering the park...

Friend 2: "Let's go on a hike or something.  See the sights..."
Me: "OK!  I'm down!"
Friend 1: "Which hike?"

the three of us looking at a trail map of the park

Friend 2: "This one looks good..."
Me: "OK! I'm down!" (I need a more extensive vocabulary sometimes)
Friend 1: "Y'all have fun.  I'll see y'all when y'all get back."

So the two of us make it to the trail head of the Yosemite Trail to begin what is to be a beautiful sightseeing hike.

The first five minutes of hiking is pleasant.  There's friendly banter between us.  We are waving at hikers as we pass them by and we are looking forward to getting to a particular lookout at the top of this trail.  I'm sweating a bit but that should be expected.  I feel like I'm getting a moderate workout in and at this point the one mile assent seems like an easy enough task.  After all, the trail is considered to be a moderate hike once you get past the beginning.  I keep telling the friend that this is one of the best decisions we've made on the trip.  He seems to agree.  Things are great!

Ten minutes later...

Me: "I HATE YOU!  Why have you done this to me?!"
Friend 2: "What?! What do you mean?  Come on... I bet we only have about 20 more switch backs to do."
Me: "Don't talk to me.  I'm not happy.  This is the WORST decision we have made all trip."
Friend 2: "We can turn around."
Me: "NO! Why would we do that?! We've made it this far.  Just go!"

Around this time it is becoming noticeable that not bringing water might have been a bad idea.  When I saw that the hike was a mile I didn't think much of it.  Actually, I thought, "A mile isn't far, but I don't want to carry any extra weight." 

Big mistake! Turns out not all miles are created equally. Note to self: A mile up is NOT the same as a mile around town.

I'm fine!  I survived thanks to my pal thinking that bringing H2O was a necessity.  We stop for me to take a brief water break when we see a happy couple descending.  A few sips of water in and I'm feeling better about life.  I even say things like, "Ok... so this is actually really great.  This is a fun adventure and I'm glad we are doing this."  My water sharing friend is looking at me a bit skeptically.  So to prove I'm feeling better I turn my attention to the couple coming toward us and in friendly hiker fashion I say, "Not too much further up, huh?" as they are about to pass us.  They stop and ask kindly where we were heading and we told them to the look out.  They look at each other and then back at me and with some hesitation they say that we easily still have another forty-five minutes before getting there and about half of the switch backs still left to go.

Me to Friend: "I HATE YOU!  Why have you done this to me?!  Just go.  I'm right behind you."

I'm so thankful for forgiving friends and tons of patience because about forty-five minutes later (the couple was great at estimating) we made it to one of the most beautiful look-outs.  Some of my favorite pictures of my whole trip were taken in that spot.  Half Dome looks AMAZING at eye level.

There was nothing about that hiking experience that wasn't the epitome of living in the moment.  The challenge, the beauty, and the friendship that got me through that hike was different with every passing minute and every passing switch back, but it made the finish that much more sweet. 

As erratic as my emotions were, it was one of the first times in a really long time that I felt and experienced every moment as it happened.  I was fully aware of each muscle tension, sigh of relief, tear of joy, and smile of those I saw and felt along the way.  My life for a long while has been looking forward and at times so far forward that I have quickly lost sight of the things going on around me that have a huge affect on that future.  Living in the moment is what I needed and is something that I currently need.

I'm in a transition time in my life and through travel, friendships, and this new challenge (which is going well so far), I'm really excited to see what comes of the moments that are taking place NOW.